Thursday, November 10, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops: Rezurrection



Call of Duty Black Ops "Rezurrection" pack is the fourth DLC the game has received. Rather than the pack featuring new multiplayer maps like the previous DLCs, this one focuses purely on the infamous "Nazi Zombie" mode. It comes with a variety of levels including the new "Moon" themed map.


To get it out of the way quickly, I'm not much of a Call of Duty franchise fan. But when I heard that they were listening to their customers and featuring a "100% Zombies DLC", they got me. 

The zombies themselves aren't very "Zombie-ish" (not to say their appearances do not look like zombies, but hitting you until you die and then shambling off - is not a zombie!) however, the pack itself doesn't disappoint. The scenery in each level is unique and each feels like an entirely different game mode. 

As a single-player experience, I would not recommend buying the pack. If you have three other friends, however, it is worth every cent; wave after wave, you will be running about looking for new weapons, hiding spots, etc. as the waves grow in size and frequency. The "Moon" map also features low gravity for an added challenge (grenades, etc. and movement are all affected).

Overall, I would give the modification a sturdy 7/10. If the gameplay was slightly more realistic rather than arcade, or if the graphics and gunplay were slightly improved, this game has the potential to be an 8 or 9.

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